You are here: Auctions > Japanese and Dutch Reverse eAuction

Japanese and Dutch Reverse e Auction




In the Japanese reverse auction, bidders have the choice to continue bidding or quit whenever the price automatically decreases at predetermined intervals.

You can find the Auction details, Attached documents, and Auction Parameters in the upper right corner of the screen.



The lower part of the screen displays the procurement items for which the buyer is requesting an offer, based on the client's defined initial unit price, quantity, and other elements.

Participants must accept each new price offer if they want to stay in the competition, and if they do not accept the newly offered price the first time, the competition ends for them.

After starting the auction, a notification appears on the screen indicating that the auction is in progress, as well as a clock counting down the interval time.


By pressing the Accept offer button, the price is decreased at the predetermined intervals, and each interval's offer is accepted.

The auction terminates for that supplier if they do not accept the bid inside the required time.




In the Dutch reverse auction , the price automatically increases at certain intervals.



By clicking the Accept button, the bid is accepted. When one supplier accepts the bid, the auction ends for all participants.